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Steed Needs
Fundraising Progress

Faded Sandpaper

It's a BARN Raisin'!

While barn raising has its roots in the 18th century, the family commitment, teamwork, and camaraderie is still just as important today.  We, however, plan to have our barn delivered pre-assembled!

Red Barn

Goal: $5000

Vet & Farrier
The Deluxe Spa Package

Just like people, our Horses need a little TLC. Every 6-8 weeks our horses get their "pedicures" from their personal farrier.  Once a year they have a scheduled doctor visit with a specialty equine veterinarian for vaccines and to ensure they are healthy & fit for duty!

Livestock Branding

Goal: $3500

Grainy Goodness, Fill Up My Bucket Please

Protein, fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals.  Horse feed is an essential component for keeping the herd up to par for our kiddos. ($25 per bag of feed)

Barley Grains

Goal: 100 Bags

Hey, HAY!

Help keep the Round Bales a rolling in!  A horse can eat up to 20 lbs. of hay a day during the winter!! ($50 per bale)

Hay Barrels

Goal: 50 Bales


Finances should not be the limiting factor that excludes a child from participating in this life changing therapeutic approach. ($1000 per scholarship)

Graduates Holding Diplomas

Goal: 5 Scholarships

In It For The Long Haul

Our new 3-Horse Slant-Load Trailer will offer years of comfortable and safe transport.  Bringing one extra horse allows for an additional 320 sessions a year!!!

Horse trailer.png

Goal: $10,000

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